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Course One in The ES Synergy Human Capital Professional Development Platform Framework.

Introduction & Overview

  • Does it sometimes feel like your being dominated by those around you?

  • Are you accused of being aggressive and domineering?

  • Do you feel uncomfortable with confronting people to stand up for your rights?

IS THE ANSWER TO ANY OF THOSE QUESTIONS WAS YES? Then The ES Synergy Human Capital development Courses can not only assist you in in becoming more comfortable in situations

 that keep you from you full potential. But through the progress of this course series, you will gain the insights you require to take control of your life. LEARN HOW TO BRING FORTH YOUR NATURAL INFLUENTIAL POWER. At birth, when entering the world, you are subjected to an environment which impacts the early stages of shaping your behaviour.  The adjective ‘behaviour’ encompasses many aspects of your personality such as how you perceive things, how you think, how you emotionally respond inwardly and outwardly, how you speak (tone of voice), choice of words when communicating, eye contact and facial expressions, and non-verbal communication. Many of our behavioural mannerisms are unconscious and have been learnt from diverse role models in our early years of training.


This Session of the series covers an introduction into aspects of non-verbal communication (body language), eye movements, and how this relates to thinking and the brain (aspects of neuropsychology), the emotional and physical body and how these form part of your communication process when interacting with others. To lay the foundation towards acquiring the natural assertive communication skills, the following aspects are covered as these will be

shared in greater depth in sessions to follow. For the start, I will be touching on the following components:

Cognitive, Voice, and Body Language

The purpose of this self-development series is to kindle an awareness in participants what they did not notice before about their communication styles, a large part of which is unconscious.  This is then followed by providing individuals with some basic skills which enable them to free themselves in becoming increasingly self-confident and to experience a greater richness and success in their communication relationships with others in life

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